Technology Archives | Karina Lucid Law


Can Robinhood Bankrupt You?

In my ongoing series of technology and bankruptcy, today I am writing about Robinhood. For the unaware, Robinhood is a mobile app providing commission-free trades of stocks, exchange-traded funds, and cryptocurrencies. In other words, you can buy and sell securities on your cell phone and computer. Like most apps, Robinhood is convenient, easy to use, and inexpensive. However, there is [...]

2022-03-02T15:27:16+00:00Bankruptcy, Blog|

Technology Contributes to Bankruptcy

As the world turns, technology continues to evolve at an astonishing pace. For example, artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality are now part of our business processes. Obviously, these advances are designed to improve efficiency in the production of goods and services. They also improve quality while reducing costs. Who doesn’t want cheaper and better goods and services? Sounds great [...]

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